Sunday, April 24, 2011

Dry Feet.

I had my friend snap this on his phone and send it to me. We saw this sleeping guy while walking home the other night. 'Bout as thoughtless as it gets if you ask me. Good thing his shoes are dry though.

Cup Holder.

I saw this on the way home from work the other day. What better place to store your used styrofoam cup after you're done with it ... besides the trash. (I threw it away after the pic).

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dinosaur Bones.

This wooden box has served far beyond its purpose. Quality items can find their niche outside of their intention.

Shameless Promotion

This is a bad picture taken as the train was rushing by. Trains have become one of the most popular means of self promotion in the graffiti world. Touring the country, they advertise an alias like nothing else. I grew up in this world and have spent many nights in odd, creepy spots to get my point across. I'm reminded of this every time I see them. I love waiting while pass so I can see who's up.. Trains aren't just for carrying cargo.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thoughtless Two.

I see this a lot around town. Has this lock been abandoned, or has it been left safely for the next visit? I will check it out when next I happen by.

Thoughtless One.

This image reminds me of the image in the book where people leave their coffees, etc. at the signs which say no beverages inside, as if that means this is where they belong. Someone left this tablet next to the sign while the TSC was closed. We saw it upon coming back from break. Risky Business.